How to set up a FCP project;
Firstly, open FCP through applications. Press 'AltQ' to bring up user preferences. First job, to set auto save from 30 mins to every 5, then physically save the project, elliminating "untitled project 1". Next, go to the timeline thumbnail and set the starting time code from 01:00:00:00 to 10:00:00:00, we do this as its industry standard.
Close user settings and open sequence settings (alt0). Here you can change quicktime video settings, in this came making sure to select DV-PAL, at the same time, make sure the FPS are set to 25. NOT 24!
Customise keyboard for faster working (ALTH).
Today I learnt a new one, J, K & L. These are useful when previewing a clip to fast rewind, fast forward and pause the preview process.